Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Last week, the moon was gloriously full. I arrived home late one evening to find bright moonlight streaming in through the large glass panel in the back door, creating a long, sharply etched pool of light on the tile floor.

Capturing the effect would be a wonderful opportunity for me to practice night photography techniques. I crossed my fingers, hoping the next night would be clear, and began thinking through 'the shoot'. 

Initially, I thought to only shoot the moonlight on the tile. Simple, dramatic.

Dramatic, yes, but maybe too simple. The composition needed something. As sunset approached, I gathered white nicotiana from my garden and placed them in a clear glass vase. 

Backlit by the moonlight, the petals of the nicotiana glowed. The stretched and slightly smudged shadow cast by the flowers provided an interesting contrast to the straight lines on the floor.

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