Many of the trees hadn't leafed out yet, but the dogwoods were in bloom. Seeing dogwoods blooming in 'the wild' was a treat for me. Most of us are familiar with ornamental dogwoods, covered in the spring with big, showy flowers. Wild dogwoods are more delicate, softer in appearance. They get your attention without the need to shout.
One of our goal was to take photographs of reflections. Jim Clark, our instructor, also said, for those interested, that a nearby pool was home to toads. Hmm... Photographing dogwoods or reflections versus toads? Tough decision. I headed toward the water while the rest of the group made tracks to see toads.
I am not entirely thrilled with this photograph. It doesn't feel quite right. I think I should have shot it in 'portrait' aspect rather than 'landscape'. As every photography instructor I've ever had has said, "When shooting your subject, always use different exposures, apertures, angles, aspects, etc."
Canoe Reflection
Canoe Reflection
Original photograph.
Nice reflection, but a bit dull. What can I do to make the photograph 'pop'?
April Morning At The River
April Morning At The River
I really wish I could paint. Yeah, I know it's never too late to learn. Thing is, I don't think there are enough years left in my life to become a truly proficient painter. There are, however, amazing editing programs that convert photographs into 'paintings'. So with a bow of deep admiration & respect to my friends who are genuine painters, I give you my 'painting'.
April Morning At The River: A 'Photographic Painting'