Week 4: Technical Week
Day 24: 'Space'
Space, the final frontier...
Space, hmm....
Spent quite a bit of time pondering this prompt and how to approach the assignment.
My first idea was photographing an empty space: the room that used to be Matthew's bedroom. Simple, straightforward...
...and boring.
Time for Plan B
I liked the photograph, the lines, the blocks of color. Even the ceiling fan was an interesting shape addition. Maybe the photograph would become more interesting is if it looked a bit less realistic.
Time to try some filters.
OK, much more interesting.
How about going more impressionistic?
I liked the photograph above (which I have nicknamed 'Ghost Room'), except for the outlet and the hazy reflection on the wall, and the register on the floor. They were a distraction and had to go.
A couple of edits and a different texture filter later...
Perhaps a bit far-fetched, but I like the lines, the blocks of light and dark, how the light and dark balance each other.
If you read this deeply into the post, THANK YOU! I am curious...which of the photographs did you like the best and why?